Husband Fear His Experiences Are Responsible

For His Wife's Nighttime Visitations

Dear AA,

When I read the story on the 'Red Ball of Light' I think I momentarily lost my pulse.

A couple nights ago my wife of 5 months (this is important) woke me up and she (and oddly enough myself) were terribly frightened. She was stating that "they" were after her and "they" were getting her. The room was illuminated with a dark blood-red (sorry about the color description but it WAS that color) light, specifically around her.

I looked around and out the window and the light was not outside. The sky and moon was in a proper place (the moon's placement gave me the indication of 3-4am.) This was not a dream.

I tried to soothe her and tell her it was a dream. We (I) lost consciousness.

During my entire life I and my three brothers have had incidents such as these going back to as near as I can remember to my sixth year.

I have NEVER told my wife anything regarding this. I have simply told her that I think UFO's are real because of my parent's Fed connections I have first hand knowledge of captured craft.

The first night of our marriage my wife woke me up in the night again and (with the same atmosphere of FEAR) stated that there were 'penguins' in the room and they were here to get her. I looked around the hotel room and for some reason my sight failed me below the 4 foot level in the room. Very weird.

She has never remembered these incidents, but yesterday, by no bidding or prompting of my own, she told me that she thinks she is an abduction victim. She COMPLETELY refuses to believe in ghosts, Yeti, advanced ESP beyond intuition, UFO'S, et al. However, she is terrified of this realization she has come to since our marriage. And this is ENTIRELY out of character for her.

I have not breathed a word about my past experiences and I don't plan to. I am terrified of the prospect that this is somehow a "family" phenomenon. I fear that I have introduced this into her life. I fear for our first child or attempt at child rearing. These incidents are increasing in number and seem to be more and more in the physical everyday realm. I don't know what to do. I don't think I totally believe in the alien explaination. I think this may be a universal dream or waking dream or window to the potential of the human mind, but none-the-less it is no fun to be in this position, REGARDLESS of the explaination.

Are there any support groups in the Los Angeles area? Kook-free, that is. Please return E-mail. I do not know of any other people in this position.

Thanks, Scott in Sherman Oaks.

Sounds like you have a very BIG problem here (not the aliens, your wife). Since our research shows that experiencers are drawn to each other (and yes, alien contact does run in families), I would suggest that the two of you were brought together into this marriage for a reason. This may sound outlandish, but never-the-less it seems we are being directed by an 'outside influence' much more than we care to believe. Absolute control of one's life, it seems, seems to be an illusion.

You must share everything with your wife. You say you "do not know of any other people in this position". How about her? Isn't she going through this mostly alone without you? Think about how by being completely honest with each other the two of you can help each other through each other's fear. You must talk all of this over with her just as soon as possible. Waiting will just make things worse for both of you.

As far as you feeling that your past encounter experiences have somehow "introduced this into her life", forget it. It simply isn't the case. None of us have any CONTROL over the phenomena. And it doesn't matter one bit whether you choose to believe in 'them' or not. Stop denying these encounter experiences, or rationalizing these anomalous events into some esoteric crap. You know darn well you're being visited at night by something real. Wait until both of you start to wake up with bloody noses, scars and bruises, rectal and vagina bleeding, false pregnancies, mysterious red rashes, a metallic taste in your mouth, memories of needles up your right nostil, severe ear infections, chronic sinus problems, and a host of other annoying physical symptoms. What will it take to convince you that this is no "universal/waking dream" or "a window to the potential of the human mind". Come on, get real!

Since support groups come and go, we make no attempt to keep current on these groups throughout the United States. You may wish to contact the Los Angeles MUFON Director to see if any of their Southern California members are doing support groups. If you're into listening for hours to other people's war-stories and everyone's pet theory of what happened to them -- by all means join a group. You'll see what I mean. But ultimately you must get through this on your own. Forget trying to label it with words, just try as hard as you can to feel the truth of these experiences with the core of your being. The less you try to find a logical or rational explaination, and the more you just 'go with the flow', the more you will understand. Once you get past your fear (and telling your wife all) -- you'll be OK. But it ain't going to be easy my friend!

You really piqued my curiousity when you said that you "have first-hand knowledge of captured craft because of your parent's Fed connections". Would you, or they, care to elaborate on this? We would obviously treat this subject matter with the highest degree of confidentially. -- Editor